Thursday, June 4, 2015

Using Blogs to Enhance Teaching and Learning

A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

How can blogs be used to enhance teaching and learning
  • Blogging is the right tool for the right reasons -  students within the classroom today are more technologically inclined, therefore because they are so interested in technology teachers must take advantage of this opportunity to teach through the use of technology, for example blogging - blogging helps students to enhance their ability to self reflect and process.
  • Blogging provide endless opportunity for teachers to cater for the different learning styles within the classroom.

Ways in which teachers can used blogs in the classroom.
  • provides future assignments for students on their blog page.
  • Get students to complete assignments through the use of posts no their blogging page.
  • Use blogs for peer learning. Get students to read their classmates work and check for grammar and spelling errors.

1 comment:

  1. BLOG is the abrevation of the word Weblog, word use to describe different types of websites and Portals used to share information in specific topics . Teachers and students use blogs to publish assigments, keeps students updated with the class events . Teachers use it to help students master content and improve writting skills.
    Through blogging stuents and teachers become digitally literate.
    Advantages of blogs are: not tied to a class schedule -People can learn from all over the world -can be useed to express themselves and recieve feedback- promote critical thinking -helps student in their writing -share articles,videos ,opinions with people from other communities.
